The legendary Kamadhenu (cow) gives anything you ask her. Elankunnu is a Kamadhenu.

The lens shaped hill near our house (Elankunnu) is full of water. Its South West portion has already been removed by quarry contractors. You can see water in the quarry even in summer. During rainy season, water from this granite hill fills all ponds and wells in the neighbourhood, through subterranean water channels.

I saw a well with water level very high up, alomost you can touch it; but no attempt is made to draw water from the well. Most buildings in the locality have their own well. Others depend on tap water provided by government, which pumps water from the near by river, into a water tank on the hill.

At the foot of the hill, by the side of the temple at Njeruvisseri, was a small hill in my childhood. Now there is a very deep and wide well, after continuous quarrying of granite for more than half a century. I have recently seen water flowing into this well, from the Elankunnu. As there is an under-rock channel, from this well to the river, Karuvannoorpuzha, water cannot be stored in this well. If the outlet hole is plugged, we can stop water from going into the river. In this way all surrounding villages can be irrigated by gravity flow.

Now water is pumped from the river and rationed for two hours.

it is a pity that water from KAMADHENU is not used, even though there is great scarcity of water in summer.


All victims of poison gas released in Bhopal are poor people. If Americans were involved, it would have been a different story.

Thanks to NDTV, which is continuously exposing new things connected with the escape of Anderson, we now know that Ministry of External Affairs, taking orders from Americans, was instrumental in this episode.

What is more shocking is the apathy shown by the Central and State Governments, towards the victims. Even after a train accident, at least Rs. one lakh is given to the families of victims. In this case, just Rs. 25,000, that too after 26 years.

There are people still to get this “alms” The area has not been decontaminated. The details collected by Tata research team, immediately after the tragedy, has been lost, deliberately.

We shoud throw this Government out!