First, brush up our knowledge of biology.

 There are two ovaries with each one studded with thousands of ova of various stages of growth. Every 27 days, one ovum (egg) matures and get detached from the ovary. The next one will be from the other ovary; thus there is a continuous chain of eggs, coming to the uterus, except during pregnancy. This is called ovulation.

 Even if not fertilized by a sperm from the semen, the ovum tries to develop a rudimentary placenta. Then the whole thing is thrown out of the uterus. This is the monthly, bloody discharge.

During ovulation the temperature of the woman’s body shows a slight increase. So the first requirement is to prepare a permanent temperature chart, with which we can even predict the next menses time.

 The ovum remains alive for some five days. The sperms in the semen, too, have a life span of two days. So if sexual intercourse is done during ovulation, pregnancy chances are more. Care should be taken to take the temperature of the woman, before she gets up from the bed, without taking any food, not even bed coffee. Three days after the ovulation, chances of pregnancy are rare. So sex should be confined to the day of ovulation, so that maximum accumulation of semen can be ensured. After the first intercourse, keep up the tempo for two more days.

The calendar can be useful for birth control too. Avoid sex during the week, beginning from three days before and ending three days after ovulation.


 Apart from improving general health, regular intake of soybean will ensure better health of sex organs, including sufficient build up of semen and increase in the number of sperms in the semen. In case of hyperinsulinamia (see my blog Protein power), eggs in the ovaries whither away, causing infertility. If starchy food is totally avoided and a diet of soybean, eggs, meat, milk, vegetables etc. strictly followed, the insulin level will come down. The ovaries will retain the ova and thus help in pregnancy.


 In modern life, the man is subjected to continuous pressure of work, resulting in temporary impotence. The favourable days of the menses calendar should be ear marked for tension free sex. Understanding between husband and wife is a must.

Yoga may help.

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