EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH<a href='http://www.blogsurfer.us/

There is always a contrast not only between the West and the East, but also between the North and the South.

The Northern hemisphere is rich; the South poor. North America wanted to abolish slavery, the South opposed it.

In India, Northerners hate the Madrasis and we heartily reciprocate the sentiment.  When it is cold winter for us, it is hot in South America and Australia.

Gujarat in the West is extremely conservative, very industrious and people united.

In the East, people are politically revolutionary, quarrelsome and very advanced in literature, culture and philosophy. Gujarat could not produce a Tagore or a J.C Bose.We do not have a single Advani in Bengal. Americans are capitalists; Communism is in Asia onlly.

All great religions like Budhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism were born in the East. Karl Marx was born in the Wet. up in the West.



The recent explosion near the American coast, in the gulf of Mexico, has raised several questions, not only about the environmental hazards, but also about the very idea of exploration in the deep sea.

My theory is that the crust of the earth is a huge pressure cooker, the steam under very high pressure circulating the whole area below the ocean bed, through thousands of channels. It comes out in the form of hot springs (some are 416 degree C) or volcano or causes earthquakes, when the pressure becomes too high

When you try to make a hole in the bed, you are creating an artificial volcano. The strata between the oil well and the steam zone may be either thick or thin. So long as it is sufficient to prevent a link up between hot steam and the oil well, we are safe. As there are any number of steam channels, there is every likelihood of the steam forcing into the oil well, causing an explosion. This is probably what happened.

On the land we can at least try something or at least burn away the oil. Nothing is possible under a depth of 10.6 KM.

So banning oil exploration below the sea bed is a must.

The presence of oil indicates that forests were there, billions of years ago. How can trees grow in the deep sea? Of course, any form of life like fish, sea animals etc. (both animal and vegetables) can get converted into oil, but only under high pressure. So the question remains: how did it get under the sea bed?


Hindu mythology is rich in content and variety. For everything, there is a parallel.

It is said that suras and asuras decided to churn the sea, to obtain nectar (amrit, eating which one gets eternal life), like house wives churning milk for butter.

Well, God is continuously stirring the sea with the help of ocean currents, hot and cold, sweeping the whole length and breadth of the oceans. Each current is thousands of times bigger than the continental rivers, both in volume and sweep. This way, the saltiness and the temperature of water in the seas, the world over, is maintained fairly constant.

Then the volcanoes and hot springs disturb the sea, when billions of tons of water are thrown into it. The ocean bottom is thus whipped up, throwing sand up from the bottom of the water. How else, do sands come in the sea shores? If water is not pushed down continuously from the bottom of the ocean, to the interior of the earth, as described in my book GLOBAL WARMING IS A MYTH,mean sea level will rise every day.

During volcanic eruptions (there are thousands of volcanoes in the sea), magma is thrown up from the interior of the earth.

In short, unlike the continents, the three dimensional contour of the seas get transformed into different shapes, almost every day! This may be the explanation for the debris of vegetable and animal life forms getting underground, where it is subjected to the high temperature and pressure required for formation of coal and gas.


The oil companies doing exploration and mining of oil, should pay compensation to the nations of the world. All such activities should be banned. Do not play with fire.


Our’s is a democracy.

So long as poor people, without night shelter in Delhi, die of  cold, Rashtrapaty Bhavan should be thown open to them.



 When we were celebrating New Year, did any one think of the poor and wretched people of the vast number of villages, across the length and breadth of our mother land?

 They were shivering in the cold. Many might have died of cold and hunger. Then there are the neutral gender, who have no voting rights. Are they not Homo Sapiens?

Then again, there are the beggars, foot path dwellers and inmates in lunatic asylam.

 Let us remember them.


We were returning to Delhi at maximum speed.

My grand daughter, Meghna, saw a body, with the head crushed and blood flowing still flowing, lying on the road. A small group of people were standing by, unable to contact the police, the spot being far away, in a remote locality. The time was well past nine in the night, extremely cold.

I could not forget it even now. How long will they wait there? Will the police extract money from the innocent villagers? Will they have money with them? How will his mother, sister or wife survive? If he is the sole bread winner?

Should not the High Way authorities make some arrangement for helping such people? They are collecting a lot of money as toll.


 I was brought up in an orphanage of a church, in a remote village and our Father was everything to me, parents, friend and benefactor. He was always kindhearted and friendly. Never scolded me, as I was a quiet sort of child. He taught me English and arithmetic and put me in a convent school in the town.

I was quite popular among boys, as I was good in sports, especially volley ball and had a way with all, with a ready smile and could talk freely with both boys and girls.

Father had introduced me to an uncle whose daughter was also studying in the same school, one year junior to me.

He used to give me some pocket money occasionally which I was careful not to spend it, as I knew Father was really poor. I asked him for money only when absolutely required.

Ann was the name of uncle’s daughter. She was not very fair but she used to sing and her voice was resounding and had a sexy attraction, if I may put it that way.

We met rarely, as boys and girls moved in separate groups.

Our school won the volley ball championship in the inter school tournament. As I was the captain, my popularity soared, needless to say. Even girls, some of them really good to look at, began to befriend me and I was elated, though I tried to dismiss it as of no consequence.

When the time came to seek higher education, Father told me a secret: your uncle was sponsoring the expenses of your education. He is still ready to continue his help, if you agree to marry his daughter. You know he has a big estate in the hills. Ann is his only daughter.

I had to agree.

Ann was very studious and got admission for MBA. My marks were not that good, but I got a seat for history in sports quota. I did not see her for a very long time.

 When I was working in a private school, Father told me to meet my uncle, who was in Bombay at that time. He reminded me about his intention to settle the marriage of Ann.

The meeting ended and uncle told me that we may talk in private if we wished; and moved away.  

She had become a lady, very graceful and well groomed. She is already in a good position in a multinational company, she told me. I felt that I am not a suitable match for her. I told her my opinion. She just kept mum.

I repeated the same thing to my uncle and also Father.

Father: have some patience. I know your uncle well. You are six feet tall, handsome and good natured. Your uncle wants a gentleman for Ann. If  he likes you, that is the end of the matter.

In about a month’s time we were married.

Uncle suggested that we visit his estate. On the way we stopped to see Father. He had become very old, hardly able to sit up in bed. I sat behind him and supported him.

They talked about money matters. The old dilapidated church was rebuilt according to modern tastes. Now there is even a big ground in front. All uncle’s money, I could understand.

Son, I may not live to see you again. Our Father in heaven decides all things. Be happy

His last words.

The estate was much more than I could have imagined. The landscape was fantastic. There was even a brook near by. A dozen vehicles of all types and plenty of servants. I was something like a Lord, presiding over all this empire.

As uncle returned to Bombay to be with Ann, I became the Manager. Now I knew why he chose me.

During Xmas time we all spent a week. Ann liked it here and I used to take her around, sometimes in our jeep, other wise by walk. By next October, I became a father. Our son was christened George and called Baby.

When Uncle went to the States, in connection with his business, I went there

 Now Baby became my constant mate. I could not leave him even for a moment. I thanked uncle for all the good luck, otherwise beyond the reach of an orphan.

One evening Ann brought a handsome young man with her, while returning from office. All the time they were talking, so I came away with Baby and did not go to them again. He returned very late. That night Ann was very hot in the bed. I had never seen her so sexy before. It may be my imagination, but whenever he came, she was so happy in the bed.

The frequency of his visits increased and I became suspicious. One day I told her I am going to Pune, but remained in near by hotel. At about three in the morning, I returned and pressed the buzzer. After a long time the door was opened and the fellow came out, followed by Ann. I just went into the bed room. There was the smell of cigarette. The bed was disheveled and even his underwear was there…….

I never entered that room again.

I returned to the estate.

The next day I took all my trekking things including sleeping bag and tent in a jeep and dove away aimlessly, occasionally stopping to refresh myself with a cup of tea from the road side tea shops. As it became evening, I decided to pitch my tent on an empty patch of ground, when a boy with a goat came to me enquiring about my intentions. He invited me to his hut where there is a small water channel. So I took the boy and goat in my jeep and presently we came to his mud house, with roof thatched with hay. It seemed cozy and warm. Outside, it was getting cold. There he helped me to put up the tent and then we both went to the stream. I washed myself in the flowing, clear water and felt refreshed in body and sole.

Why is this unknown boy so eager to oblige me? We most often fail to appreciate the simple joys of life,, worrying ourselves with unnecessary thinking. I even pardoned Ann. She liked the guy and enjoyed sex with him. Is it such a crime.?She didn’t even agree to the marriage which was forced by her father. Why should she suffer?

By about seven in the evening, his sister and mother, both working in the estate near by, came and told me not to worry about anything. I took orders from the mother, who was very reluctant at first, and drove to the market to buy items for cooking supper, with the boy as my guide. His name is Joy. His father is a truck driver who used to come once in a while.

The next day we went to fish in the stream. We got some fat fish and returned after a bath. In the afternoon I went to climb the hill.

I don’t remember how many days were spent there. Those were the happiest days in my life. When I decided to return both the women wept. I promised to return one day.

May I take the boy with me? I shall send him to school.

 They agreed.