If God appears before me, I would make a simple request: please remove, forever, all hair from my body and head. Have you not heard of Darwin’s theory? As we have no need of hair, why do you curse us with the long hair?

As it is, we cannot avoid the barber shop, now called Men’s Beauty Parlour. To avoid waiting inside the shop, I wanted to go to a remote area, where the barber may be under employed. So I went along a road which is not a high way, even by village standards.

To my disappointment, I failed to locate a shop. People told me there is a shop, further along the road.

At long last, I saw a board ZION GENTS PARLOUR, in English, where they do not know even to read CAT! It had a posh modern look. An elderly man was sitting in the front veranda, surely waiting for a customer, I presumed.

I like to have a hair cut, I told him.

He looked at me from head to my toe, as if he could not believe me. Then he said: this shop is closed.

Clearly, it was a disappointment. I thought of the poor fellow who established it. Did he not make a survey of the heads available for his trade? Or was it the modern look that belied his hopes?

Had he simply put up a board, with letters in Malayalam, indicating BARBER SHOP, written with a piece of chalk, with just a chair and looking glass in the veranda, village folk may not shy away from  the place. If he had written Rs. 10 per head and Rs. 3 per beard, it would have been a grand success!


There are people resemling one another, at least seven according to sources.
If some such people, of different ages, are arranged in a row, we will be tempted to believe that they are related to each other.
The casual similarity of the outline of east coast of America and the west coast of Africa, was enough to jump to the conclusion that, one broke away from the other, as if these are ice blocks!
There is the Kennedy rock hill, which looks like the profile of the ex President of the USA, when viewed from a particular point.
A scientific theory must be subjected to the same hair splitting analysis, as is customary in a criminal case. A single evidence against the prosecution theory will, if the evidence is admitted in the court, enable the culprit to get away with it.
If survival is the aim of evolution, plancktons, grass and cockroaches are better evolved than mammals, many species of wich have been totally wiped off from the earth. Man is extremely vulnerable.
If the resmblance in behavior is studied, asian elephants are much more similar to us, than the chimpanzee. It was in the news that a female elephant, of a circus company, was eloped by a wild elephant. Savitry, the circus elephant, returned after some months in the forest, carrying a baby in its woumb! Did they love each other as cildren, before Savitry was caught by men? Otherwise why did its lover pick her for mating?
 My father used to tell us about an elephant which could write 51 letters of Malayalam in sand, using a stick.

 Their memory, affection for their owner, or vengiance against mahouts, who always beat them, are well known. They do not have a season for mating. They have the monthly course. The medicines prescribed in ayurveda for elephants are the same as for us, only the doze has to be elephantine in proportion!
Evolution must have a certain pattern; otherwise, it will be a conjecture only. The elephant, again, is an odd animal. Normally, the hind leg is stronger in animals, including man. The elephant has very strong forelegs, looking like concrete colums, supporting the weight of the whole body. Its scrotum is hidden inside, the nose is very long and capable of executing delicate movements, it does not sweat etc.
The poor dog has to wait for considerable time, to withdraw its penis after mating, because it swells enormously, at the time of discarge, and has to come down to normal size, before it can be withdrawn,  attracting the attention of children, who sometimes beat them, while still tied up.
There is a story about it.
The five Pandava brothers share the same woman. The man who goes into her chamber, leaves his chappals at the door, to show that  madam is engaged, and the newcomer should wait. One day a dog took the chappals away. Another brother came and hurried in to mate, when he saw real action blue film !
So they cursed the wicket dog, resulting in this oddity.
The small donkey has very big penis. I do not know how the female accommodates it. The big camel has a small one.
I am not saying these things for fun. This shows lack of any pattern in creation.
Normally plants use nutrients from the soil. But the pitcher plat has a taste for non-veg food.
Vanila is a natve of Madagasker, where the insect fertilising it, by carrying the pollen grains, is available. In its absenc in Kearalam, the farmer is given instructions for doing it by artificial means. Even otherwise, plants depend on insects for propagation of the species, and the insects on plants for honey. Can the bee survive without plants? Creation is a very complicated thing. Let us leave it to Brahma.
It is believed that life began in the sea, then came amphoebeans and, then land animals in the end. But mammals are found in the sea also.So they are not highly evoved?
The greatest weakness is the omission of sea animals of eerie shapes, some looking like rock, but opens a mouth invisible before. If  Darwin had seen Discovery channel, he would have quietly withdrawn his theory.
I saw in the web an item of news that Taiwanese scientists came across the skeleton of homo sapien, at least a million years earlier than the date of arrival of our ancestor,Mary.
Why do we have long hair and beard?
Is there any explanation?
Like the tail, fir too vanished. But the hair is longer than shown for Mary, the prototype of homo sapien.
Man has many inexplicable charactoristics.
He has the uniqu ability to convey, by his facial expresson ,ideas as delicate as I LOVE YOU.
Anger, joy, contempt etc. can be seen in his eyes. He is the only animal that lies on its back, which is flat. Other animals do sex from behind. Man and woman do it, facing each other.
We are divided by different languages. OTHER ANIMALS AND BIRDS SPEAK THE SAME “LANGUAGE” 

Other animals do not fight among themselves.

 Man is envious. Other creatures exploit species, different from their own. Man exploits his own brothers, making them slaves either directly or by giving wages.
Today, he is making a large number of nulear power plants, without a thought about future generations, who will curse us, after we have left the scene.
All through history he has done only one thing 😦 kill ) to the pwer of billion billion !




At least, some of you have heard of him. He lived more than two millenia ago, in Athens, which was a City State in Greece.
He would sit in a public place, surrounded by young men, whom he taught his philosophy. Plato was among them. Through Plato, we learned about Socrates.
He used to say: do not accept anything, without asking the question why.
I began asking why, first in science, and then in other fields, to my friends.

As evolution advanced, we lost our fir, which became unnecessary, as we lived in covered space. That is what Darwin taught us. 

Why then do we have long hair and beard ?
This question rose in my mind, when I learned about the theory of evolution , in my class. It still begs for an answer. Shortly, I intend  to write about it.
How does water of the oceans rise during high tide, as the gravitational force of the sun/ moon is too weak, to overcome the gravity of the earth. I began worrying about it when I was just a boy. Now, I know the answer which I have put in my blog.
Am I doing the right thing or am I jut a mad man, as my daughter believes ?
Only time can answer this question.